Advice from Trust administration specialists

Trusts are designed to protect assets for yourself or a chosen beneficiary. Our dedicated trust administration team know how to protect and maximise a trust’s potential.

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Trusts are still very useful structures for anyone looking to protect assets.

They offer flexibility and protection in a way which other structures cannot.

For young or vulnerable beneficiaries they offer a vehicle in which funds can be invested and managed for their benefit without them having access to capital which they may not be ready or able to manage.

They can also offer some protection in matrimonial breakdown situations and so can be helpful for anybody who is looking to finically assist, but also needs certain assurances about how the assets may also be protected in the event of a relationship breakdown.

We can also help clients to navigate other possible options such as outright gifts or the establishment of a family investment company.

We have a dedicated trust administration team who deal with all the compliance issues including arranging and running annual trustee meetings, preparing minutes and accounts. As well as file tax returns.

We have partners and associates who frequently establish these vehicles, whether in lifetime or under Wills. We can deal with it from start to finish, including all tax advice, or can work with other professionals as necessary, providing only the legal advice.

WKTL can act as a professional trustee if required

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Other reasons why someone may wish to set up a trust:

Asset protection reasons

This might be to prevent children getting money too soon, to help with grandchildren’s school fees.

IHT planning purposes

To assist a vulnerable person – whether ‘disabled’ under the tax legislation or for other reasons without jeopardising entitlement to means tested benefits.

Those who want to put life insurance, death-in-service benefits or pension death benefits into trust so as to mitigate an IHT liability on death and to ensure funds pass in a sensible and tax efficient manner


Non-domiciled individuals who are keen to establish an excluded property trust before they become UK dom/residents.

Business owners protecting shares

Business owners looking to put in place planning pre-sale by putting shares into trust to lock in business property relief.

Our tax and trusts, and related, services

How we can help to protect you and your loved ones

Compensation Protection
When someone close to you suffers a life-changing injury as a result of negligence, and receives a large compensation award, we can help administer the funds to meet their complex needs.
Tax and Trusts
Whatever your stage of life, and however you plan to manage your estate, we can put in place tax and trust structures to suit your immediate and future needs.
Tax lawyers
We make sure that you don’t just stay on the right side of your tax liabilities. We create the conditions for you to manage your finances in the most effective way possible.
Share plans and incentives
Tax when living abroad
If you live abroad as an UK expat it is important to ensure your assets and investments are keep in accordance with a variety of different tax regimes, regulations and international tax laws.
Conveyancing solicitors
Property conveyancing solicitors
Buying and selling a property is stressful and today’s market presents you with more challenges than ever before. You want to be sure that your investment is protected come what may.
wills trusts and estates
Wills, Trusts and Estates
Your life is full of landmarks. Our compassionate and expert lawyers are here to make sure that you are able to navigate through them all.
French International
We are experts at advising on personal legal matters including tax, property, commercial, divorce and litigation in France.
Monégasque expertise
Our French team based in London advises on French and Monegasque tax and law. Where needed we work with local advocates and notaires to ensure you receive the best possible advice.
Legal insights

Insight from our legal specialists

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