Expert advice for commercial landlords
Assisting you with your tenants to make your lease work for you
Here to help with your commercial tenants
We offer legal advice concerning your commercial lease agreements.
Rent and service charges
Unpaid rent and service charges need a quick solution. We can assist on ending the lease or recovering the debt. Download our landlord and tenant debt recovery sheet for details of our service
Ending a lease
Break options can be tricky to operate and expensive if done incorrectly. We can get it right for you.
Renewing a lease
When you grant a new lease you want to make sure that you takes steps at the right time and get the process right to protect your future requirements.
Your property needs to be kept in good repair so that it remains a sound investment, but sometimes there can be differences of opinion about who is responsible.
Squatters can be highly destructive to your property, and disruptive to your commercial plans. We can get your property free of them in the quickest ways possible.
Contact our property disputes team today