Claim compensation for injuries as a result of Group B Strep (GBS)
If your child has experienced injury as a result of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection, our specialist solicitors can help you seek compensation.
Call for a free consultation on whether you have a claim
Make a claim for GBS negligence
If you would like to claim compensation related to GBS infection, our expert solicitors are here to help.
Our birth injury lawyers will look into your case, talk with you about what you’ve been through and work out if you have a claim.
Group B Streptococcus infections in babies may be avoided by giving antibiotics during labour and delivery. Similarly the consequences of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection for a newborn baby may be avoided with the right medical treatment provided to the baby after they are born. Sadly we often see cases where the right steps were not taken to prevent or treat the infection. You will probably have reasonable grounds to make a claim if you or your baby didn’t receive the right treatment in time, or at all, please see our guide to the diagnosis and treatment of GBS infection for further information.
Why choose us?
You may have found your child suffered significant injury as a result of Group B Strep infection. Many parents just like you choose to seek compensation to ensure the right treatment and care is provided for their child; compensation that is not only in the short term but for the fullness of your child’s life.
Our lawyers are experienced in representing families affected by GBS related injuries and have secured millions of pounds for children affected by catastrophic injuries.
We also understand that it may not always be convenient to discuss your matter during working hours, so we are happy to speak to you out of hours and can offer home visits also.
The process of making a claim essentially starts by obtaining all relevant medical records for the mother and child. We will ask an independent medical expert to review the medical records.
Our medical experts will tell us whether the treatment received fell below a reasonable standard and caused an injury. If it did fall below this standard we will write to the hospital, GP or other medical professional and tell them why we believe that the treatment was substandard. They will then have the opportunity to admit or deny the allegations we have made. If they deny the allegations your claim may have to be issued in court. We call this ‘issuing a claim’.
The court will then manage the claim by telling us how many witnesses we are allowed, how many experts we are allowed to use, and what evidence we should present. They will also set a timetable for us to work to. Usually there will be some time set aside for the parties to have a meeting to try to reach agreement upon the issues and the level of compensation which should be paid. More often than not financial settlement will be reached before any trial takes place.
The trial is the final stage of the court process, where all of the parties come together in the courtroom and all of the evidence is presented to a Judge so that they may decide upon the outcome of the case.
There is always a degree of uncertainty when bringing a claim for medical negligence. A reputable solicitor who is an expert in this field will be able to advise you whether your case if more likely to win than lose. Whatever their view, this will be based on the information provided to by medical experts. We usually assess the prospects of success in a case on a percentage basis.
If your child has suffered a brain injury as a result of negligent care of Group B Strep infection they will usually be entitled to obtain Legal Aid funding.
Not all firms of solicitors can offer Legal Aid funding as only very specialist firms who have a proven track record can do so. If your child is entitled to it you are unlikely to have to pay anything towards the costs of investigating your child’s claim.
RWK Goodman is specialist and can offer Legal Aid funding. In the unusual event that Legal Aid isn’t available, we can offer ‘no win, no fee’ legal funding.
Bringing a legal claim for medical negligence can be a lengthy process. The time it takes to obtain compensation depends upon the nature of the injury and whether the Defendant in the claim contests the case or not.
In the case of brain injury to children, compensation is often very high, this is because it has to last for the rest of your child’s life and it has to meet all of their needs.
Compensation can allow for privately funded input from therapists, additional care needed or adapted accommodation. We’ll make sure all this is considered by reviewing all the future requirements to ensure the best quality of life for your child. It will also give you peace of mind that your child’s future is secure.

Our specialist medical negligence solicitors are birth injury experts, here to help you with sensitive, confidential advice. Please get in touch with us if you want a free consultation on whether you have a claim for compensation.
- No Win No Fee & Legal Aid funding available
- We can help find the right support for you
- Offices serving all of England & Wales
- Track record of successful claims
Call for a free consultation today
Information regarding the treatment of GBS in mothers and in babies
It is possible to detect maternal Group B Strep infection during pregnancy, however there is no universal screening programme for this in the UK.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists state that infection is more likely to be acquired by the baby if:
- your baby is born prematurely, at less than 37 weeks of pregnancy
- you have previously had a baby who developed GBS infection
- you have a high temperature during labour
- more than 18 hours have passed between your waters breaking and your baby being born, as there is more opportunity for the bacteria to colonise the birth canal
If GBS is detected during pregnancy or labour you should be offered antibiotics during labour to reduce the risk of your baby developing the infection.
If the infection was not identified during pregnancy it may be detected in your baby, usually within 12 hours of birth. Babies with GBS infection may be presenting with symptoms such as:
- being very sleepy
- appearing floppy
- not feeding well
- grunting
- a high or low temperature
- abnormally fast or slow heart rate or breathing rate
- irritability
- low blood pressure
- low blood sugar
- if the infection was not identified during pregnancy, but it is suspected in your baby, antibiotics should be given as soon as possible.
If you or your baby weren’t offered effective treatment, or symptoms were missed, it could have been as a result of negligence.