Stroke Prevention Day 2024 – Raising awareness of stroke, its causes, effects, treatment and recovery

January 25th is Stroke Prevention Day. As lawyers who support many clients affected by stroke after accidents or negligence, we are keen to do all we can to raise awareness of the campaign and encourage as many as possible to get involved.
What is Stroke Prevention Day?
Stroke Prevention Day takes place annually to raise awareness of stroke, its causes, effects, treatment and recovery.
Stoke Prevention Day is organised by the charity Stroke Association and was first launched in 2021 with the objective of encouraging encourage people to make lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of stroke.
This year’s campaign: atrial fibrillation
Stroke Association identify that atrial fibrillation is a cause of 1 in 5 strokes. Atrial fibrillation is when your heart beats with an irregular rhythm. This means that the heart does not empty all of the bloods out of its chambers on each beat, meaning that there is some blood left which can potentially form clots and which then travel to the brain causing a stroke.
Atrial fibrillation can happen to anyone at any age, although you are more likely to suffer atrial fibrillation as you get older.
In most cases atrial fibrillation can be easily managed but it’s important to be aware if you have this.
How you can get involved
Stroke Association estimates there are hundreds of thousands in the UK living with atrial fibrillation without realising, as it often does not have obvious symptoms.
The charity is urging everyone to check for this by doing a simple pulse check.
Please see the below video for guidance on how to check your pulse and what to look out for:
If you are unable to check your own pulse then ask a friend of family member to help.
If you think you may have atrial fibrillation, or any other concerns after checking your pulse, then please speak to your GP who can advise you on next steps.
We also urge you to spread the message and to encourage your family and friends to test for atrial fibrillation too!
Where to find out more about
If you are interested in finding out more about the Stroke Prevention Day, or for more information about strokes please approach these organisations:
Stroke Association
The Stroke Association is a charity which aims to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke, as well as campaigning to raise awareness about stroke.
Helpline: 0303 3033 100
Email: [email protected]
Brain Injury Group
The Brain Injury Group is a network of specialist brain injury solicitors and other professional services, providing a complete package of support for brain injured people and their families.
Helpline: 0800 612 9660; or, 0330 311 2541
Different strokes
Different Strokes is a charity run by younger stroke survivors for younger stroke survivors. You can hear stories from other young people about life after stroke, and how they’ve coped.
Helpline: 0345 1307172
Email: [email protected]
A stroke of luck
A Stroke of Luck provides stroke survivors with the opportunity to access fitness professional to aid with their recovery and rehabilitation.
Telephone: 0300 111 1519
Email: [email protected]