May 17, 2024

Six-figure settlement secured for widow who lost husband to asbestos-related mesothelioma

Posted in Mesothelioma

We were instructed by Barbara Hookins following her husband, Bill, passed away following his diagnosis of mesothelioma. He had sadly passed away only eight weeks after the diagnosis. The coroner had concluded that Bill’s death was as a result of industrial disease and confirmed the diagnosis.

We opened a case for Barbara and began investigations to determine where Bill could have come into contact with asbestos. It became clear after speaking with Barbara that Bill had worked for Legal & General for many years, working on boiler maintenance in many of their properties in London. He was involved in removing lagging from pipes and boilers, maintaining the boilers and sweeping up, all of which exposed him to airborne asbestos fibres.

Legal & General were made aware of the claim and we spent several months securing expert evidence and disclosure. The defendant eventually admitted liability without the need for court proceedings, and interim damages were paid to Barbara.

Further evidence was obtained including evidence that Barbara had a dependency on Bill’s income and services, and, upon serving that evidence with a detailed Schedule of Loss, the defendant wished to negotiate a settlement and the case was settled for a significant six-figure sum. Not only did the defendant admit fault, but the settlement brought solace and financial assistance to Barbara for the rest of her life.

It was a pleasure to act for Barbara and to assist her in gaining justice for the loss of her husband. We wish her and the family all the best.

Barbara had this to say:

 “David, Thank-you so very much for representing me with Bill’s case. You made the whole process as stress free as possible, and were very easy to talk to, you simplified things so I could understand the importance of the situation that arose from difficult questions. I would highly recommend you to anyone dealing with this illness.”

Think you have a mesothelioma claim?

Contact our specialist asbestos and mesothelioma solicitors to find out more about whether you can make a claim for compensation.

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