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Opinion  |  15:03:22
Find out more about Brain Tumour Awareness Month
Lucy Norton explains what you need to know about Brain Tumour Awareness Month.
Opinion  |  04:10:21
What you need to know about brain tumours
Lucy Norton, a specialist solicitor in the field of acquired brain injury, explains what you need to know when it comes to brain tumours.
Opinion  |  20:05:21
How the experience of stroke inspired a new approach to neuro-rehabilitation
When Ian Pearce’s father had a stroke in 2017, his life was thrown in a completely new direction. Nothing can prepare you for an injury to a loved one, but the aftermath can be equally difficult. For Ian, though, it proved an inspiration to change the way we approach neuro-rehab.
Opinion  |  16:05:21
How has lockdown impacted upon people living with brain injury?
Stuart Brazington, with the help of a range of experts in the field of brain injury, looks at how brain injured individuals and their families were impacted by lockdowns over the past year.
Opinion  |  11:05:21
Should further compensation claims be allowed for the risk of stroke in brain injured claimants for up to five years?
Victoria Berger looks at some recent research from Birmingham University into stroke risk after brain injury and asks, shouldn't claimants be able to seek further compensation if they're at higher risk of stroke?
Opinion  |  04:02:21
The mental health guidance available for support workers working in brain injury
We spoke with expert neuropsychologist Dr Audrey Daisley about support workers' understanding of mental health issues in the brain injured, and what she and others are doing to help.
Opinion  |  04:02:21
For injured people, it’s vital to find time to talk about mental health
When someone experiences an injury, the physical impact is clear. People find themselves unable to live their lives as they used to – they may even need adaptations to their home or working arrangements – but what about the effects of physical trauma that aren’t so visible?
Opinion  |  02:02:21
Brain injury doesn’t need to affect a famous leader for it to impact on society
Stuart Brazington - on reading about the tumultuous rule of Henry VIII and the injuries that may have affected his judgement - looks at how brain injury can have a huge impact on individuals and society, even for those who aren't famous leaders.
Opinion  |  14:12:20
‘Next-gen’ gaming isn’t here until video games are accessible for all – fortunately progress has been made for gamers with disabilities
With a new generation of consoles now with (some of) us, Mark Walters and Olivia Plumb look at the current state of accessibility in gaming. Is there more still to be done to help gamers with disabilities?
Rugby players in scrum
Opinion  |  10:12:20
The law behind rugby’s concussion lawsuit – the end of rugby as we know it?
Our specialist Personal Injury team review the news that former rugby players are bringing a lawsuit against rugby's governing bodies, claiming that they have been left with permanent brain damage as a result of the game. Could this lawsuit change the sport forever?
Case Study  |  01:12:20
Brain injury claim settled for over £3.5m against multiple hospitals
A man, represented by Paul Rumley, successfully sued 4 Defendants, (1) Barts Health NHS Trust in London; (2) Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; (3) Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and (4) Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust in London, in an action for failure to diagnose his unusual cobalamin C deficiency condition.
Opinion  |  16:11:20
The Disability Discrimination Act 25 years on – has it achieved its aims?
Eirian Hitchmough, a solicitor in our Compensation Protection Unit, recognises last week's anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act and explains how things have changed in the last 25 years - as well as what still needs to happen...
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