Damages for family of Environmental Systems Auditor exposed to asbestos while working for SGS United Kingdom Limited.
TK instructed RWK Goodman to bring a mesothelioma claim against SGS United Kingdom Limited, who she worked for as an Environmental Management Systems Auditor and Equality Management Systems Auditor when she was exposed to asbestos. Her job involved visiting all kinds of commercial and public buildings carrying out environmental management assessments including assessing the risk of legionella from the air conditioning systems and all other aspects of environmental systems. She frequently found asbestos materials in poor states of repair or that asbestos in walls and ceilings had been drilled into without taking any precautionary steps. She needed to visit boiler houses and plant rooms and to go along service tunnels in order to carryout inspection work. She often encountered broken insulation.
She commenced chemotherapy treatment shortly after her diagnosis and contracted Covid-19 during the first wave of the pandemic. She sadly passed away, whereas doctors believed she would have survived had she not developed mesothelioma.
TK passed away without having signed her Statement.
She was only 63 when she was diagnosed with mesothelioma and was working as a head of department managing a team of auditors. She had several years left until she retired, when she planned to emigrate to Hawaii to live near her daughter, who was a hospital doctor and her young grandchild. She enjoyed travelling to Hawaii to spend time with her daughter and granddaughter, and was due to shortly become a grandmother for the second time. Her intention was to provide childcare for her grandchildren and wraparound care when her grandchildren started school, while her daughter was at work and when she was on call.
The mesothelioma claim was heavily contested, both on liability and over whether TK would have emigrated to Hawaii and provided care for her grandchildren. RWK Goodman were able to obtain evidence about TK’s intention to emigrate to Hawaii by taking a Witness Statement from the immigration lawyer that advised her daughter, providing copies of her emails and text messages (translated from her native Bulgarian) and property searches that she had sent her daughter when she was making plans to emigrate.
Settlement was achieved including a provision for the replacement childcare costs of TK’s grandchildren.
Contact our specialist asbestos and mesothelioma solicitors to find out more about whether you can make a claim for compensation.
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