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Opinion  |  15:03:22
Find out more about Brain Tumour Awareness Month
Lucy Norton explains what you need to know about Brain Tumour Awareness Month.
Opinion  |  18:02:22
NHS launches lifesaving campaign to tackle any myths relating to heart attacks
The aim of the campaign is to encourage people to dial 999 should they experience any early signs of a heart attack. The campaign, which is specific to heart attacks, known as ‘Help Us...
Opinion  |  02:02:22
Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) maternity investigations will now be conducted by a new Special Health Authority (SHA) – what does this mean for patient safety?
Kerstin Scheel explains the latest change in maternity healthcare, with The HSIB's maternity investigations being conducted by a new Special Health Authority (SHA), and what it means for patient safety.
Opinion  |  08:11:21
HSIB reports – Maternal death: Learning from maternal death investigations during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
HSIB have released a collection of reports, the “Maternity National Learning Reports”, regarding maternity units, expectant mothers and newborn babies.
Opinion  |  04:11:21
“Severe brain injury, early neonatal death and intrapartum stillbirth associated with group B streptococcus infection” A review of the report from the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch
The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) periodically release reports into the risks and resulting issues that face maternity units, pregnant women and newborn babies when in NHS care. These are known as the Maternity National Learning reports.
Opinion  |  04:11:21
“Neonatal collapse alongside skin-to-skin contact.” A review of the report from the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch
The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) routinely release reports, known as the Maternity National Learning reports, that identify the risks and issues faced by expectant mothers and newborn babies; making recommendations to improve patient safety.
Opinion  |  02:11:21
HSIB Report: “Summary of themes arising from the HSIB Maternity Programme” – A review
The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch has released a series of reports into the risks and resulting issues that face maternity units, pregnant women and new born babies when in NHS care.
Opinion  |  20:10:21
How assistive technology can help someone living with Erb’s palsy
Joachim Stanley explains a few of the options available to those who live with Erb's palsy, who need assistance with daily living.
Opinion  |  18:10:21
Coping with Erb’s palsy – a client’s experience
It is one of the privileges of my job to represent truly inspirational people. It’s incredibly heartening to see clients doing well, in the face of what are sometimes very difficult circumstances. R (he’s too modest to be named) is one of these people.
Opinion  |  06:10:21
Why I’m observing World Cerebral Palsy Day today
Today, like thousands of people across the world, I will be celebrating World Cerebral Palsy Day. World CP day is an opportunity to raise awareness of cerebral palsy; to celebrate the lives of the 17 million people affected by cerebral palsy; and to focus on areas for change that will have a positive impact on their lives.
Opinion  |  04:10:21
What you need to know about brain tumours
Lucy Norton, a specialist solicitor in the field of acquired brain injury, explains what you need to know when it comes to brain tumours.
Opinion  |  29:09:21
World Heart Day – an opportunity to raise awareness of the world’s biggest killer
Started by the World Heart Federation, this global campaign raises awareness about the risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including heart disease and stroke; the world’s leading cause of death claiming 18.6 million lives each year.
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