Over £32 million compensation for man affected by by cerebral palsy.

CD v Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2024).
Over £32 million compensation for 17 year old young man affected by cerebral palsy, epilepsy, visual impairment and cognitive difficulties.
In January 2024, RWK Goodman’s Paul Rumley and Daniel Tanev secured a settlement in excess of £32 million for a young man, CD, who suffered from a prolonged shortage of oxygen when he was born and low blood sugar following his delivery.
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust admitted that there were multiple failures in managing CD’s birth and with timely delivery, he would have avoided his brain injury.
As a result of his brain injury, CD is unable to look after himself. The money he has received will pay for an adapted home; full time care for the rest of his life; the cost of therapy; for the additional cost of holidays and transport; and for the management of his compensation by a professional deputy.
The compensation was awarded by way of a lump sum of £8.25 million. CD will also receive £380,000 every year until he is 80 years old.

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