Why RWK Goodman supports National Grief Awareness Week 2023

NGAW will run from 2nd to the 8th December2023 with the aim to bring communities together, help people connect and to raise awareness of the support services available to the bereaved.
What does National Grief Awareness Week hope to achieve?
National Grief Awareness Week aims to raise awareness of the breadth of resources available to those grieving in the UK. Many people are unaware of the wide range of services that are available for bereavement support, and as a result they are not used by those who need them most.
One of the lead charities, The Good Grief Trust, aims to reach out to those suffering with grief, but also those who have never suffered the loss of a loved one, in order to raise awareness and to seek they get involved in supporting the event.
The campaign aims to unify all resources available, in order to provide a high quality of care for all in the community, and as early as possible, to prevent grief seriously affecting mental and physical health.
It is also an opportunity to come together and make talking about grief feel more normal and easier.
During NGAW 2023, The Good Grief Trust will be hosting café events across the UK where people can meet and share their experiences. The aim is to normalise talking about grief and to break the taboo, so that it become easier to talk about and to find relevant local support services. The Good Grief Trust are also campaigning for local landmarks to light up orange on 8th December 2023 at 6pm. Look out and see if you spot any!
How can you get involved?
During the week, you can get involved in the following ways:
- Share resources and look for advice on how to support those who are grieving. There is a wealth of information online.
- Checking in on your family, friends and neighbours –, especially those that live alone.
- Be honest about your own struggles – finding the confidence to share your own thoughts may help someone who is struggling to find the courage to open up about their difficulties and break the taboo around talking about it.
- Become a volunteer with a bereavement charity or make a donation of money to support their work.
How to find out more?
Here are some of the wonderful charities who can support those grieving, and their loved ones who wish to help them:
- The Good Grief Trust - [email protected]
- Child Bereavement UK - https://childbereavementuk.org/- : 01494 568 900
- Stand-By-Me Bereavement Support - [email protected]| 07469 255139
- The Good Grief Project - 07808 472 885
- Grief Chat – [email protected]| 01524 889823
- Sudden – [email protected]| 0800 2600 400
- SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide) - https://uksobs.org/T: 0300 111 5065
- Widowed and Young - https://www.widowedandyoung.org.uk/ - 0300 201 0051
- Winston’s Wish –www.winstonswish.org / 08088 020 021
For more information on resources, or practical steps for what to do when someone dies, please see our dedicated bereavement website here.

Read our bereavement guide
What you need to know when a loved one dies.
Our specialists have put together a comprehensive guide to help you know where to start with the practical steps after someone dies.
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