
Articles in ‘Amputation’ Category

Case Study  |  12:02:15

The aim of any claim for compensation is to put a client back in the position they would have been in had they not been injured in an accident. Damages are awarded to compensate a victim for their pain, suffering and loss of amenity as well as their financial loss.

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Case Study  |  02:06:17

The Claimant, a 29 year old man received £785,000.00 for the personal injuries sustained whilst operating a defective saw which kicked back causing his left hand to be taken in towards the blade of the saw, causing him to sustain an amputation of his left hand below the level of his little and ring finger and sustain extensive injuries to his middle and index finger.

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Case Study  |  22:01:12

Accidents at work are all too common. Injured workers are often not at fault where proper training hasn’t been given. That was what happened to ‘Mr K’* who suffered an amputated finger while working as a coach builder using a circular saw.

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