Mesothelioma claim for a former labourer from Oxfordshire settled for in excess of £250,000
Mr T was in his eighties when he was diagnosed with mesothelioma in Spring 2014. He was very worried because his wife had disabilities and he was her primary carer.
He described working with asbestos when he was a labourer during the building of Harwell in Oxfordshire in the 1950s. He had worked for Matthew Hall, a large pipe-fitting company and Chivers, a huge building firm. He described working in very dusty conditions, and that there were significant amounts of asbestos being used in the construction work for Harwell. He talked about workers making snowballs from asbestos powder and throwing them at each other. Despite this evidence the defendants refused to admit responsibility, and court proceedings were commenced to force them to deal.
Judgment was entered for Mr T in November 2014, and an assessment of damages hearing was listed for the following February. Sadly, Mr T died at Christmas 2014. The claim was then pursued by his executors and concluded just before Christmas 2015, within days of the date set for an assessment of damages hearing, for in excess of £250,000. The compensation will now fund the care and assistance that Mrs T, the claimant’s widow, needs. After settlement the family confirmed: "The weight of this issue has already started to subside knowing that it is nearing closure. Thank you and your team for the compassionate way in which you have dealt with the whole affair. A special warm thank you to you personally. All our family wish you a satisfying Christmas and a peaceful New Year."