Man's hand holding a jigsaw piece whilst he's sat at a table putting an incomplete jigsaw puzzle together
Man's hand holding a jigsaw piece whilst he's sat at a table putting an incomplete jigsaw puzzle together

Here to ensure that lessons are learned

When harm is caused, either to yourself or a loved one, you want to know how it happened and to ensure it doesn’t happen to others.

Our specialist injury solicitors work with you to get answers and to seek changes to make things safer for others.

Whether you’ve sustained an injury as a result of medical negligence, been involved in a life changing accident, or suffered the death of someone close to you, our legal experts understand how important it is to seek answers about what happened.

These stories show how our team seeks to identify issues in care and safety, and to ensure lessons are learned when things go wrong.

medical negligence causing death

Ensuring lessons were learned after Anna lost her mother to medical negligence

Anna sought our assistance when the Hospital Trust responsible for her mother's death failed to fully explain what happened or to apologise.

Anna’s mother, Gill, sadly died following complications of an endoscopy procedure. The Trust were aware of issues in the care provided to her but failed to be open about this and did not apologise. The Care Quality Commission pursued a prosecution against the Trust for failing in their duty of candour. The Trust pleaded guilty and were fined – the first prosecution of its kind.

When the Coroner’s inquest process resumed further concerning evidence came to light. The family had grave concerns that the Trust had not taken on board the issues leading to Gill’s death and that this posed a risk of serious harm to other patients. The Coroner shared the family’s concerns and prepared a Prevention of Future Deaths Report highlighting the ongoing risks identified during the inquest and requiring a response from the Trust.

Read Anna's story

Helping to ensure lessons were learned after a vaccine-related death

Hazel and her mother-in-law sought our help when Hazel's husband, Colin, died as a result of a complications from a vaccine he should not have been given.

Due to his medical history, Colin was contra-indicated for certain vaccines. Unfortunately, when preparing for a trip to Nigeria he received a vaccine and sadly succumbed to the effects of the live vaccination he received.

Here Hazel, alongside Colin’s mother Barbara, share their story and how they hope to see things change as a result of their loss.

Read their story

Speaking with INQUEST about their No More Deaths campaign

INQUEST have witnessed coroners and inquiry chairs time and again repeating the same issues and recommendations.

We spoke to Rosanna Ellul, Senior Policy and Parliamentary Officer, about INQUEST’s campaign for a National Oversight Mechanism.

More recently we also welcomed Deborah Coles and Aniesha Obuobie onto our podcast to discuss the campaign more widely.

Read the interview with Rosanna
cauda equina syndrome care

Are lessons being learned in cauda equina syndrome care?

In 2022 we surveyed those living with CES and spoke with leading voices to understand where change needs to happen in urgent care for cauda equina syndrome.

As part of this, we spoke with Claire Thornber and James Martin of the Cauda Equina Champions Charity about how they sustained their cauda equina injury, and what they’d like to see change.

Read the article now

Investment in maternity care would change lives and save NHS millions

Every year, around 1,800 UK children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It’s estimated that at least 1 in every 12 of those diagnoses occurs because of negligence in maternity care settings, with lives permanently impacted by the knock-on effects of underfunded, understaffed NHS services.

For the last decade, formal reviews have repeatedly raised inadequate training and insufficient staffing levels as key issues affecting NHS maternity care. But rather than driving change, CQC figures show that past recommendations have failed to lead to better outcomes.

  • 1 in 4 core NHS maternity services across the UK is currently rated as ‘inadequate’ or ‘requiring improvement’.
  • Maternity care experiences have been on a downward trend since 2017, with fewer people every year saying that they were able to get help and support when they needed it during labour and birth.
  • Despite a government pledge to reduce brain injuries at birth by 50% between 2016 and 2025, the number of new NHS obstetric injury claims for cerebral palsy and brain damage was the same in 2022 as in 2016.
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What Lessons Learned can tell us about how to treat CRPS

CRPS is a condition which can arise following an injury. It has not always been recognised and acknowledged by the medical profession, however it is now understood as a condition that deserves compensation. Our personal injury team has specialist knowledge in this area and a proven track record of helping CRPS sufferers to get compensation.

Find out about CRPS

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