January 7, 2019

Seaborne’s Ts & Cs fail to hold water

Ferry boat

The Government has stated that it has "looked very carefully" at the business. The officials said that they were pleased to be supporting a new British business and that Seaborne was awarded the contract as part of a formal tender process.

Seaborne have now amended their terms and conditions, removing references to "meal" and "delivery driver". However, the reputational damage to Seaborne is substantial and is likely to affect their reputation as a new business in the sector, as well as public confidence. This could a have serious impact on their credibility in future tender bids as well as relationships with customers.

Terms and conditions that work for your business

Where you contract on "standard" terms and conditions, it’s easy to neglect to periodically review and update the terms and conditions. And yet it is essential as your Ts & Cs should accurately reflect the nature of what you are providing and the terms that you are contracting on. You should ensure that that your terms protect your business and its contractual relationships.

Having well-drafted, bespoke terms and conditions for your business is invaluable. These can ensure your liability under contracts is sensibly limited and that the contractual term and the parties’ respective obligations are clear.

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