On behalf of the Thames Valley Contentious Probate Group we would like to invite you to the next Thames Valley Contentious Trust & Probate Lawyers Network meeting. This quarterly event brings together professionals from across…
Articles in ‘Inheritance Disputes’ Category
Improving the accessibility of solicitor services across Wiltshire. Home visits allow Wiltshire residents access a private client solicitor services from their home Support on Wills, Trusts, Estates, Deputyships, Lasting Powers of Attorney, tax planning,…
If you believe that a will should be contested, then you’ll probably have lots of questions you want to ask us. We regularly deal with Will disputes and aim to find solutions which best…
As recently reported in Henrietta Ingram & Anor v Simon Timothy Abraham & Anor 2023, not seeking proper legal advice when drawing up a Will can seem initially cost-effective. However, in the long run,…
Many people are choosing to write a Will or review their estate planning in the current circumstances. We take a look at the options for bestowing gifts, either to family or others, or to…
In the recent case of Cowan v Foreman a widow attempted to make a claim on an estate 17 months after the relevant deadline had passed. The judge refused to give permission for her late claim, suggesting a stricter approach should be adopted by the court in the future. However, a recent decision in the case of Bhusate v Patel, to allow a widow to make a claim over 25 years out of time, suggests that this strict approach may not be adopted for every case.