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Mental health & Erbs feat image
Opinion  |  19:04:23
Erb’s Palsy Webinar – Mental Health & Erb’s Palsy
Introduction Welcome to the RWK Goodman Erb’s Palsy Mental Health Webinar, in association with The Erb’s Palsy Group. We hope this webinar helps to further open up the conversation about the mental health effects...
Report  |  11:04:23
Investment in maternity care would change lives and save NHS millions
Every year, around 1,800 UK children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It’s estimated that at least 1 in every 12 of those diagnoses occurs because of negligence in maternity care settings, with lives permanently...
Case Study  |  07:03:23
Compensation secured for mum who suffered bladder damage during birth of second child
During E’s second pregnancy, she was confident that consultant led care would identify any complications. However, a series of errors led to her sustaining a permanent bladder injury.
Opinion  |  16:02:23
The impact of racism within NHS maternity care
Kerstin Scheel takes a look at how the NHS is addressing inequalities in maternity healthcare that have been raised in recent years.
Opinion  |  18:01:23
State of the art prosthetics and how we help to acquire them
The Oxford Compensation Protection Team recently ordered a Trexo Dynamic Robot for a client with cerebral palsy, sustained as a result of a birth injury. The Trexo Robotic Gait Trainer is a robot skeleton...
Opinion  |  05:01:23
How might delays to treatment affect Erb’s palsy?
Joachim Stanley takes a look at the current state of care in the NHS and explains how delays to care for those with Erb's palsy could affect their prognosis.
Opinion  |  23:11:22
Is cerebral palsy a result of medical malpractice?
Kerstin Scheel explains what causes cerebral palsy and when the condition may be a result of medical negligence.
Opinion  |  16:11:22
The ‘CoolCuddle study’ – cooling treatment in childbirth and the safety of cuddling babies during the process
Some of my close family members have gone through traumatic pregnancies and as such I am always eager to explore innovative treatment methods for improving the outcome of complex deliveries.
Opinion  |  08:11:22
The importance of NHS Maternity investigations and lessons learnt in cases concerning Group B Strep care and management
HSIB (Heath Safety Investigation Branch) is an NHS body appointed to independently investigate patient safety concerns. The recommendations made by HSIB aim to improve healthcare systems and processes, to reduce risk and improve safety,...
Case Study  |  13:10:22
The need for dynamic interaction between compensation claims and Islamic compliance
Raising a child with a brain injury can be a huge undertaking for any family, but what happens when even getting some much-needed help might compromise a family’s beliefs? With three sons already, Malik...
Podcast  |  08:09:22
How can we Make Birth Better? | Legal Thinking Podcast
A transcribed version of our recent podcast with Dr Rebecca Moore of Make Birth Better, and Sophie-Angwin Thornes from our Injury division.
Babies feet in hands
Opinion  |  13:07:22
Group B Strep Awareness Month – why it’s important to raise awareness
Kerstin Scheel shares a client story to demonstrate how important it is to be aware of Group B Strep infection.
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