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Opinion  |  04:02:21
For injured people, it’s vital to find time to talk about mental health
When someone experiences an injury, the physical impact is clear. People find themselves unable to live their lives as they used to – they may even need adaptations to their home or working arrangements – but what about the effects of physical trauma that aren’t so visible?
Case Study  |  06:01:21
£3000 for delayed diagnosis of spinal subluxation by North Bristol NHS Trust Hospital
£3,000 compensation recovered from North Bristol NHS Trust for pain and suffering caused by a three month delay in correctly diagnosing spinal subluxation.
Opinion  |  14:12:20
‘Next-gen’ gaming isn’t here until video games are accessible for all – fortunately progress has been made for gamers with disabilities
With a new generation of consoles now with (some of) us, Mark Walters and Olivia Plumb look at the current state of accessibility in gaming. Is there more still to be done to help gamers with disabilities?
Opinion  |  16:11:20
The Disability Discrimination Act 25 years on – has it achieved its aims?
Eirian Hitchmough, a solicitor in our Compensation Protection Unit, recognises last week's anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act and explains how things have changed in the last 25 years - as well as what still needs to happen...
Opinion  |  05:11:20
Scoliosis correction surgery – what are the risks and how can they be mitigated?
Simon Elliman considers the risks associated with procedures to correct scoliosis and what sometimes goes wrong, either in terms of achieving the desired outcome, or by way of catastrophic complications of the surgery.
Opinion  |  12:07:19
How is cauda equina syndrome caused by negligence?
Simon Elliman, partner and head of our Medical Negligence team, helps explain when cauda equina syndrome can be caused by negligent medical treatment.
Case Study  |  04:03:19
RWK Goodman client awarded £3.4m for delay in diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome
A man who experienced a catastrophic delay in diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome has been awarded a lump sum of £3,400,000.
Case Study  |  30:04:12
Compensation awarded for spinal injury caused by unnecessary surgery
Our client, Mr R, was 84 years of age as at the date of the negligence, and 88 years of age as at the date of settlement. Mr R had spinal surgery at Salisbury District Hospital in April 2005. It was later questioned whether the surgery should in fact had taken place, as Mr R was not getting worse. His doctors should have waited to see what happened before operating.
Case Study  |  30:04:12
Inadequate surgery recognised after six years
Our client, Mr S, suffered with a disc prolapse, meaning that the disc pressed on a nerve causing him significant pain in the lower half of his body. His surgery was performed by a part-time spinal surgeon who did not perform a full decompression because he was afraid to cause further damage.