Oxfordshire Business Barometer – issue 19 [January 2016]
Through our collaboration with the Oxford Times, we are able to provide insight and commentary based on interviews with directors and managers in a 10 page report published quarterly in ‘In Business’ magazine and online.
A wide range of Oxfordshire businesses take part in our short, confidential surveys which are emailed out every quarter. From 2015, a £2 donation will be made to a local charity for every survey completed. Businesses which expressly consent to publicity will also have the opportunity to provide free editorial within the reports.
We would welcome your involvement. If you are based in Oxfordshire and would like to receive our quarterly survey and associated benefits, please email your name, business name and contact details to [email protected]
To find out more, please read our other quarterly Barometer reports or join our LinkedIn group entitled Oxfordshire Business Barometer.
In this feature:
New year predictions reveal 1 in 5 will outgrow premises
More than one in five businesses (22 per cent) responding to the latest Oxfordshire Business Barometer, said they expected to outgrow their business premises in 2016.
Why cloud computing is not pie in the sky
There has been a significant increase in the take up of cloud computing with recent reports suggesting that around 90 per cent of UK businesses would be using at least one cloud-based service by the end of 2015.
Businesses bullish in the face of rising employment costs.
The introduction in April of the National Living Wage for all workers over the age of 25 will affect almost one in five of the businesses that responded to the latest Oxfordshire Business Barometer.