Oxfordshire Business Barometer – issue 5 [October 2012]

Through our collaboration with the Oxford Times, we are able to provide insight and commentary based on real-life feedback from directors and management teams across eight pages of ‘In Business’ magazine and online, after every survey. Oxfordshire businesses have kindly volunteered to support our Barometer by completing a short, anonymous survey which is emailed to them every quarter.
In exchange, every completed survey is entered into a quarterly draw for one of three superb prizes. Businesses which expressly request publicity also benefit from free editorial within the Barometer features published in inbusiness magazine – and there are opportunities for radio interviews too. We would welcome your involvement. If you are based in Oxfordshire and would like to receive our quarterly survey and associated benefits, please email your name, business name and contact details to [email protected]
To find out more, please read our other quarterly Barometer reports or join our LinkedIn group entitled Oxfordshire Business Barometer