Men not sold on marriage counselling: when does it work?
The solicitors at in the Family team at RWK Goodman are supportive of counselling when both parties feel that there is a real opportunity to try and resolve and talk through the difficulties in their marriage. However, we often find that one party has already made the decision to leave and end the relationship and it has to be taken into consideration that going to counselling is giving the other party real hope the marriage may be saved.
It’s always a difficult judgment which should be led by the client as to whether or not counselling will really assist them. If not we generally find it’s better not to cause any further hurt or pain to the party who wishes to save the marriage and to try and resolve all matters in respect of finances and the future of the family as amicably, sensible and fairly as possible.
Helping parties to move on with their lives in a way that tries hard to keep matters civil and amicable between the parties is very much the aim of our Family team as acrimonious or difficult proceedings rarely assist either party or indeed the wider family.
Our Family team comprises trained Resolution mediators and collaborative lawyers who can help separating couples by talking through their issues and making agreements out of court which will often be a less expensive alternative.