‘Global competition for law undergraduates on environment and carbon tax’ by John North
Interleges competition for law undergraduates globally launched
Topic - Environment and carbon tax
The international association of independent law firms Interleges, of which Royds is a member, has launched this year’s Interleges Award for undergraduates which has environment and carbon taxes as its theme.
The Interleges Award is now in its’ seventh year and was originally created in memory of Stephen Rayner, co-founder of Interleges in 1989 and a senior partner of the UK law firm Rayner de Wolfe which is now part of Royds.
The competition is judged by members of the Interleges Executive Committee and academic experts as well as those from the relevant international courts and official bodies. In previous years, the competition has had themes relating to commercial law as well as intellectual property and arbitration.
The prize is 4,000 Euros plus an invitation (and expenses) to attend the dinner of the Interleges Annual General Meeting to be held in Paris on Saturday 28th May 2011. First and second prize winners are usually also able to spend time with one of the Interleges member firms around the world for work experience.
The competition requires a 5,000 word essay to be submitted by Friday 8th April 2011 – full entry conditions are attached.
For further information, please contact:
About Royds Royds is a long established 17 partner commercial City law practice with strong private client facing teams. The firm is well known for its commercial, retail property, employment and commercial litigation practices. It includes a number of banks, airlines, AIM listed and large private companies in its client portfolio. As a member of international association Interleges, Royds regularly advises clients entering the UK market and works on transactions with an international element acting for companies in Europe, the United States, Asia and the Middle East.About Interleges Interleges was created in 1989 as one of the first international legal networks. It is an association of independent law firms and today has members across the world in the European Union, Eastern Europe, North America and the Middle East. Its management committee is chaired by a lawyer from the Irish member and currently comprises representatives from Italy, Ireland, the Lebanon, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and England.
Interleges Award 2011 Competition Rules
Topic General Rules to Specific Targets: a positive step for the Environment?
Brief guidance note to participants
Although participants are free to structure their papers as they think fit, we offer the following brief guidance of the issues at stake, as Interleges see them.
The candidate should examine whether the “Polluter Pays Principle” (“PPP”) is part of international law and if so how this has been recognised and implemented by international tribunals and in such international instruments as the Treaty of Rome (as amended) and in subsidiary legislation.
The candidate is encouraged to deal with similar systems of environmental protection in non EU jurisdictions. In more recent years international instruments are encouraging a further step: from PPP to Pay to Pollute (“PTP”).
The candidate should elaborate on the development of carbon tax and the Kyoto Conference 1997 and on the subsequent rise of the quota system in international law and in national jurisdictions.
The entry should finally elaborate on whether national legislation and/or international law is shifting from setting general rules of conduct (such as PPP) to requiring states (or individuals) to achieve specific pre-defined targets and consider whether this will have a positive effect ".
1. The following applicants are not eligible to compete for the Interleges Award:-
- Any applicant who is registered as a lawyer, advocate, attorney, judge or notary in a jurisdiction, where traineeship is required prior to commencing practice in that capacity
- Any applicant who has been registered for more than two years as a lawyer, advocate, attorney, judge or notary in a jurisdiction where traineeship is not required prior to commencing practice in that capacity
- Applicants on the academic staff of any university, law school or relevant lawyers association or bar
- The holder of a PhD (or degree considered by the Interleges Executive Committee to be an equivalent) in a subject directly relevant to the topic of the Award
- Persons engaged, whether as trainees or otherwise, at any time after 1 January 2007 in any member firm of Interleges or in any firm that is an approved correspondent of Interleges, or in any company or organisation where one of the judges or advisers to the competition works
- Relatives of the judges and advisers to the competition
The decision of the Interleges Executive Committee shall be final as to the eligibility of any applicant.
2. The essay must be written in English, and shall not exceed 5,000 words. This word count does not include footnotes.
3. The essay should arrive at the following address on or before Friday 8 April 2011:
A copy must also be sent by email.
4. The essay must be signed and shall contain the following signed statement:
“The applicant certifies that this essay is an original piece of scholarly work. The applicant has properly cited all sources and quotations. The applicant grants any and all copyright attached to his or her essay to Interleges and acknowledges that Interleges is authorised to publish this essay and/or make any use thereof at its entire discretion”.
5. The applicant shall provide written evidence of his or her eligibility to participate in the competition (status of law student or trainee etc.). The applicant shall also attach a copy of his or her passport and full contact details, including a telephone number and an e-mail address.
6. Prize money shall be: € 4,000.00
7. The winner of the contest shall be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses to and from Paris to attend the final dinner of the Interleges Annual General Meeting on Saturday 28 May 2011 to receive the award. Interleges shall also bear the cost of the winner’s accommodation at the hotel hosting the AGM.
8. The jury shall be entitled to conduct interviews with applicants either directly or through the Interleges member firm located nearest the applicant. In the event that members of the jury are divided, the Interleges President shall have a casting vote.
9. The winner of the award shall be notified by Friday 6 May 2011.