Technology licensing is one of the most important ways in which you can make your technology available to a collaborating partner for commercial gain.
Articles by ‘Thomas Bjorn’
The ICO has published an updated guide aimed at small businesses and giving advice on how to keep IT systems safe and secure.
The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DDPA) has issued a report of its investigations into the processing of the personal data of the users of the Nike+ Running App.
George Freeman MP, Minister for Life Sciences has published the UK strategic plan for synthetic biology.
In Moyer Lee and others v Cofely Workplace Limited the EAT has upheld the decision of the Central Arbitration Committee regarding the definition of the term “undertaking” in the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004 (ICE).
Advocate General Pedro Cruz Villalón has issued his opinion in case C-364/13 International Stem Cell Corporation (ISC) on the interpretation of Article 6(2)(c) of the Biotechnology Directive which provides that the uses of human embryos for industrial and commercial purposes cannot be patented.