Access to and enjoyment of sport is taken for granted by most children, they are surrounded by opportunities both in and out of school. But for children with physical disabilities this isn’t always the…
Articles by ‘Kerstin Scheel’
There has been much invested into the development of a maternal vaccine relating to GBS (Group B Strep). Group B Strep is a common type of bacteria, in most cases is harmless, however in…
From late 2023, Bristol based Dr Katherine Lattey, a research fellow currently working for the PROMPT Maternity Foundation (PMF), has become the first PMF/Limbs & Things (L&T) Fellow to pilot a new research collaboration between…
Law firm RWK Goodman has announced a partnership with Bristol City Cerebral Palsy Football Club (BCCPFC), underscoring the firm’s commitment to Bristol and to supporting inclusive initiatives that make a positive impact, as they…
Induction of labour is a well-established practice in the management of expectant women where delivery is required and there are clear NICE Guidelines (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) in place for medical staff. Hospital…
Breach of duty and causation are core elements when determining whether a medical negligence claim will succeed. If these two elements of a claim can be established, a claimant is likely to have suffered…
The physical, mental and emotional effects of cerebral palsy on children and their families can be significant. Our specialist birth injury team works with many families whose child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy….
If your child has suffered a brain injury, whether as a result of an accident or negligence at birth, you may wish to instruct a brain injury lawyer to assess your claim. Here we…
Is delivering a baby by caesarean section becoming more difficult? According to the Early Notification Scheme’s most recent report, difficult delivery of the head of the baby during caesarean section is becoming more of a problem.