
Articles by ‘Charlotte Ebbutt’

post  |  11:04:18

There have been a lot of stories about the use (and misuse) of our online data in the news lately, from Cambridge Analytica to the unauthorised Black Lives Matter account on Facebook. So in a time when we are all being encouraged to be more aware of how organisations are using our data, what things should you think about when uploading content to your own social media accounts?

Afterall, have you ever considered that the things you may do daily, could be compromising your own privacy?

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post  |  06:04:18

Whilst many in business are becoming fatigued with the amount of GDPR-related content in their inboxes this fatigue is not replicated amongst individual data subjects. In fact precisely the opposite, individuals are increasingly aware of the value of their personal data and more and more concerned by the growing reports of data misuse. Few people outside the data sharing business had understood the trade in their data or appreciated the personal risk involved.

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post  |  22:03:18

The RWK Goodman sponsored Oxford Debate with Alice Thwaite and Matthew D’Ancona on Saturday, part of the Oxford Literary Festival, provided plenty of food for thought on the post-truth era. The emphasis was on the analysis of how people consume information in the age of stories such as the alleged Facebook data breach, and how to make people feel more secure despite the destabilisation arising from recent world events and the rapid advance in technology.

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post  |  15:12:17

At the end of each year, an individual or team is presented with our Star Award for truly going above and beyond their role. Here is a short film we created to congratulate Jo…

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post  |  29:06:17

According to the Opinion of Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) Advocate General (AG), Maciej Szpunar, the answer is when it is a transport service.

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