
Articles by ‘Charlotte Ebbutt’

Opinion  |  10:12:19

Is there a drone on your, your friend’s or your child’s Christmas wish list? With the prices starting at as low as £15 for a basic model, drones are bound to be a popular gift this year. If you are a drone novice, however, you’ll need to be mindful of a few ground (pun intended) rules.

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Opinion  |  22:10:19

At RWK Goodman our lawyers work closely with technology-rich businesses to help bring new tech to market, and with businesses wanting to implement new technologies and innovations – from cloud-based outsourcing to AI and machine learning – across their operations.

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Opinion  |  15:04:19

When drones are used to spy on the sets of Game of Thrones, or to disrupt airports and our holidays’, we could be forgiven for thinking that no good can come of this emerging technology. So with all the negative press coverage they have had in the last year or so, we ask are there any positive uses for drones?

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post  |  09:04:19

As Google’s ‘Wing’ drones have been approved to make public deliveries in Australia it is becoming increasingly clear that airborne drones will play a significant role in our future. With advances in technology, few could argue that the private, public, and commercial applications of airborne drones is huge. But is the UK at risk of being left behind by failing to incubate this potentially lucrative industry?

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post  |  28:03:19

The Grand National, which takes place later this week, was set to be the first major racing event to take place after the original Brexit date. Yet with the recently announced delay to proceedings as our Parliament tries to find a way out of the deadlock, Aintree should escape unaffected. But whilst the National Hunt season is drawing to a close, what will the impact be on those involved in flat racing and indeed looking ahead to next season?

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post  |  31:01:19

Management of data risks is an ever-evolving responsibility. With recent media coverage of law firms photographing client documents on the desks of competitor firms the need to manage threats outside the building is now part of the risk management role. The latest threat to privacy faced by business is from the use of drones.

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post  |  20:12:18

It was no great surprise to hear about the disruption at Gatwick which was caused by one or more airborne drones being flown within the airport airspace, and an incident of this nature and magnitude was pretty much inevitable at some point.

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