
Articles by ‘Caroline Preist’

Opinion  |  09:01:20

The Law Commission has published its eagerly awaited proposals on their options for reforming the law on valuation in the acquisition of the freehold of leasehold properties and lease extensions.

The Law Commission was tasked with exploring options to reduce the cost of lease extensions and freehold purchases. This not only has legal implications but also political implications as by making the process cheaper for leaseholders, freeholders could lose out.

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post  |  15:03:19

The Commonhold Reform Act 2002 did not result in the sweeping changes that were perhaps anticipated at the time. There are fewer than 20 commonholds in existence which have been created since the legislation came into force.

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post  |  23:01:19

In a challenging decision sure to be felt throughout the real estate industry, the Supreme Court has handed down judgment on S Franses Ltd v The Cavendish Hotel (London) Ltd in favour of the Tenant, S Franses. For the reasons explained in this article, this landmark judgment effectively extends the ground (f) test for redevelopment. But is this necessarily a good thing?

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