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Deepfake rwk goodman
Opinion  |  19:06:24
Deepfake scams: How to protect your business from financial fraud
Bank of England featured
Opinion  |  15:03:24
Erroneous filings in Companies House. What does it mean for lenders and what can they do about it?
Podcast  |  08:03:24
How to challenge high street banks with Shawbrook Bank’s Dasos Kirtsides | Legal Thinking Podcast
As part of our Financial Headwinds campaign, we’ve been talking to various people in the finance and kind of banking industry about what’s changing, what’s been happening since the interest rate rises in the...
Opinion  |  14:11:23
Non-Financial Misconduct – FCA and PRA Consultation: Clarifying Revisions or Further Confusion?
Non-financial misconduct has long been a regulatory focus in the banking and financial services sector. In the FCA’s view this is because: “A corporate culture that tolerates sexual harassment or other non-financial misconduct is...
Opinion  |  07:11:23
Banker’s Bonus Cap Removed – What does this mean for Employers?
Following the 2008 global financial crash, and in a bid to prevent future financial crises, the EU introduced regulations to cap banker’s bonuses to two times their annual salaries. However, on 24 October 2023,...
Podcast  |  17:03:23
Why everyone is talking about Silicon Valley Bank | Legal Thinking Podcast
You can also listen to our podcast on your podcast platform of choice – find it here > Hello and welcome to Legal Thinking from RWK Goodman. I’m Liam Pape. In this episode we’re...
Opinion  |  28:02:22
UK Financial Services M&A on the rise, as deal volume hits a 5 year high
Recently released analysis by EY of financial services M&A transactions in 2021 reveal deal volume hit 252 transactions in 2021, an increase from 134 in 2020 and representing a five year high. Growth was...
Moscow Kremlin
Opinion  |  24:02:22
New Russian sanctions – the implications for financial institutions
As has been widely reported in the news, the UK has announced new financial sanctions against Russia, in response to its military offensive against Ukraine. Governments in the US and the EU have done likewise.
Penalty disallowed
Opinion  |  13:10:21
When is a penalty disallowed?
The High Court has recently considered the interesting question of whether a 400% increase in the interest rate applicable under a loan agreement after the loan redemption date had passed, constituted an unacceptable penalty and should therefore be struck down.
Sustainable finance
Opinion  |  13:10:21
The rise of sustainable finance
According to the Financial Times, across UK banking, the market in green and sustainability-linked financing is growing at an estimated 80%, making it among the fastest-growing segments of the credit market.
Opinion  |  13:10:21
Fraud and financial services: where to from here?
Fraud has been in the spotlight recently: “Take Five” anti-fraud campaign has made headlines, and UK Finance has released their report on fraud covering the first half of 2021. We are taking the opportunity to look at some fraud statistics; the challenges the industry is facing from fraud; areas which are particularly sensitive or exposed to fraud; and the overall impact that fraud can have on businesses.
Employee leaving
Opinion  |  13:10:21
When an employee leaves, make sure your data doesn’t
From the deliberate poaching of staff, through to people leaving to set up a competitor - for many financial services firms leavers present the biggest security risk.
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