We advise on the key legal aspects of all areas of publishing, from traditional print through to digital & wireless.
From front to back, we have publishing covered.
With over 50 years’ experience in this sector, we advise on the key legal aspects of all areas of publishing, from traditional print through to digital & wireless delivery and distribution.
We provide assistance to a broad range of clients in the publishing sector, ranging from market leaders, well known trade, educational and business book, periodical and magazine publishers, through to authors, journalists, illustrators, and literary estates. We also advise a wide array of providers at different levels of the publishing supply chain, from conventional and ebook distributors, agencies, designers and printers, through to trade associations.
Our Services
Our cross-departmental team advises on a broad range of matters affecting the publishing sector, including:
- Arrangements for the commissioning, acquisition and exploitation of content and related commercial contracts
- Protection and commercial exploitation of Intellectual property
- Corporate/M&A transactions; sale and purchase of imprints, book lists and data;
- Advertising and marketing, sales promotion; exploitation and protection of brands, trade marks, consumer protection issues;
- Dispute resolution: High Court litigation, mediation, arbitration, domain name disputes;
- Data protection, privacy and freedom of information;
- Employment law & HR issues;
- Commercial property advice and transactions;
- Administration of literary estates.